Career Development is one of our coaching specialties! Broader than career counseling, career development provides you with a road map of where you are going with your career long term, and how to get there.
Maybe you like your job. You enjoy the field you’re in. But do you have a plan about where you want to go with your career and some steps to get there or are you leaving it up to chance? Whether you’re an executive or just starting out, at Lansky Career Consultants we can help you identify your professional mission or purpose.
A Customized Plan to Help You Develop Your Career
As your career development coach, we work with you one-on-one to uncover a career path that will not only meet your professional aspirations but also be a gratifying and fulfilling component that meshes with your personal life. At Lansky Career Consultants, we can:
Help you plan the steps you will take
Career development is not just for your next job or two, it’s for the arc of your career as you foresee it. (You can always change your plan later if circumstances change.)
Help you identify additional education, training and skills needed
Together we’ll determine the skillsets you may need to acquire that would enhance your career, especially to achieve those types of positions that will help you move towards your goals.
Talk about the role volunteering might play
Many times, volunteering can be a terrific networking tool, bringing you in touch with like-minded people who may be able to help you along the way. It can also be an excellent way to learn and practice new skills.
Coach you about finding a mentor
A person who is already in the career you desire can be an invaluable resource to fully understand all aspects of that career. The experience can also help you think about mentoring someone else.
Discuss how your career may fit with your personal life
We’ll review how your chosen career path may give you the work-life balance you want, so that you can have the relationship, family, home, hobbies that are satisfying for you.
Provide ongoing career counseling
Once we’ve established a career development track for you, it doesn’t have to stop there! We offer ongoing counseling as needed in person, by email or by phone to help you stay on track and ensure your happiness with your career decisions.
Get in touch with us now to see how we can help you with a career development path that’s right just for you!